Phrasal Verbs with Meaning in 2024 pdfftech

By the way, Phrasal Verbs is a combination of verb and preposition.

Phone phrases

♥️1. Hang up
◾ I need to hang up now.
🔰 (End a call)

♥️2. Pick up
◾ Can you pick up the phone, please?
🔰 (Answer a call)

♥️3. Dial up
◾ Let me dial up the number.
🔰 (Make a call)

♥️4. Ring off
◾ I heard the phone ring off.
🔰 (Stop ringing after unanswered)

♥️5. Put through
◾ Can you put me through to the manager?
🔰 (Connect a call to desired person)

♥️6. Cut off
◾ We were talking and the call got cut off.
🔰 (Disconnect a call)

♥️7. Hold on
◾ Hold on a second, I need to check something.
🔰 (Wait on the line)

♥️8. Call back
◾ Sorry, I missed your call, can you call back in 10 minutes?
🔰 (Return a missed call)

♥️9. Ring up
◾ I need to ring up my friend and let her know.
🔰 (Call someone)

♥️10. Speak up
◾ Can you speak up, I can’t hear you well.
🔰 (Speak louder)

📖 Have 📖

♥️ have in
◾ to welcome or receive someone into a place
♦️ Example: The hostess will have us in the living room for drinks.

♥️ have on
◾ to wear clothing or an accessory
♦️ Example: I have on my favorite dress today.

♥️ have out
◾ to resolve or settle a conflict or argument
♦️ Example: It’s best if they have it out and discuss their issues face to face.

♥️ have up
◾ to bring someone to trial or to face prosecution
♦️ Example: The prosecutor is planning to have him up for fraud.

♥️ have over
◾ to invite someone to come to one’s house or place
♦️ Example: We are having over our neighbors for dinner on Friday.

♥️ have off
◾ to take a day off from work or routine activities
♦️ Example: I am planning to have off work for a week and go for a trip.

♥️ have away
◾ to take someone or something away from a particular place or location
♦️ Example: The zookeeper will have the animal away to a sanctuary.

♥️ have up to
◾ to be up to something, to be engaged in something
♦️ Example: I wonder what she has been up to lately.

♥️ have around
◾ to keep someone or something present or available
♦️ Example: It’s important to have first-aid kids around in the case of emergencies.

♥️ have through
◾ to finish or complete a task, process or a job
♦️ Example: I am glad to have through my final exam.

Phrasal Verbs

♥️ Dress up
◾ To dress up means to wear a special clause for a special ovation.
🔹 she dressed up for her date.
🔸 lets dress up for our party.

♥️ Drink up
◾ to finish drinking at once.
🔹 drink your beer up; the bar is closing.

♥️ Wash up
◾ To finish washing dishes or other staffs.
🔸 today is your turn to wash the dishes up.

♥️ Look up
◾ To search something on dictionary, document, file…
🔹 I don’t really know that word; I will have to look it up on dictionary.

♥️ speak up
◾ to speak loudly
🔸 I’m not hearing you, could you please speak up?

♥️ read up
◾ To read a lot of books just to acquire knowledge.
🔹 I’m having to read up on Shakespeare for the test next week.

♥️ grow up
◾ Meaning 1: to grow up means to increase size physically.
◾ Meaning 2: to behave like adult
🔹 You are still behaving like a kid, when are you going to grow up?
🔸 Wow! Good thinking; you truly grew up son.

♥️ Mess up
◾ To spoil something, to do something in a rubbish way.
🔹 Oh son, you messed up the ceremony cake.
🔸 Don’t mess up your depressing style, be professional.

♥️ Cook up
◾ to plan/think about something
🔸 what are you cooking up for our holiday man?

♥️ Make up
◾ To invent a story, not true fiction.
🔹 I haven’t stolen your money.
🔸 yes you have, you are making it all up. Willy-nilly, you will tell the truth to the police.

( Carry on )
👉 Continue
🔷Ex: Carry on with your studies.
( Passed out )
👉 Fainted
🔷Ex: He passed out from exhaustion.

( Passed away )
👉 Died
🔷Ex : My neighbor has passed away.
( Look for )
👉 Search
🔷Ex: Look for your shoes in the closet.
( Hold on)

👉 Wait a short time
🔷Ex: Could you please hold on a minute?

( Give up )
👉 Stop trying
Don’t give up on your goals!
( Run away )
👉 Escape or flee
🔷Don’t run away from your problems , but stand and face them.

Phrasal verb/Meaning

  • Pass away 🎯 to die
  • • Pass out 🎯 to faint
  • Throw up 🎯 to vomit
  • • Come down with 🎯 become sick
  • Run over 🎯 hit by vehicle
  • Come to 🎯become conscious
  • • Get over 🎯 to recover from
  • Shake off 🎯 to recover
  • • Come around 🎯 become conscious
  • Break out 🎯 to have a rash
  • • Pull through 🎯to become well
  • Put on🎯 gain weigh


What is phrasal verb with example?

phrasal action words are at least two words that together go about as a totally new action word with an importance separate from those of the first words. For instance, get means to get or lift, altogether different from the meanings of pick and up alone.

How to use phrasal verb?

The action word and the participle/relational word ought to go close to one another. With distinguishable phrasal action words, it is unique. They are transitive and consistently have an immediate item to finish them. You can isolate the phrasal action word by placing the immediate in the middle of between the action word and the relational word.

Why are phrasal verbs used?

Phrasal action words frequently capability as casual adaptations of additional proper articulations. For instance, I truly wrecked is more casual than I committed a few serious errors. Costs have shot up is more casual than costs have taken off. It is likewise critical to Know about convention.

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