What is an Opposite words with A to Z 2024

Table of Contents

Opposite words

absent × present
accept × decline, refuse
accurate × inaccurate
admit × deny
advantage × disadvantage
agree × disagree
alive × dead
all × none, nothing
always × never
ancient × modern
answer × question
apart × together
appear × disappear, vanish
approve × disapprove
arrive × depart
artificial × natural
ascend × descend
attractive × repulsive
awake × asleep


backward × forward
bad × good
beautiful × ugly
before × after
begin × end
below × above
bent × straight
best × worst
better × worse, worst
big × little, small
black × white
blame × praise
bless × curse
bitter × sweet
borrow × lend
bottom × top
boy × girl
brave × cowardly
build × destroy
bold × meek, timid
bound × free
bright × dim, dull
brighten × fade
broad × narrow

Opposite words


calm × windy, troubled
capable × incapable
careful × careless
cheap × expensive
cheerful × sad, discouraged, dreary
clear × cloudy, opaque
clever × stupid
clockwise × counterclockwise
close × far, distant
closed × open
cold × hot
combine × separate
come × go
comfort × discomfort
common × rare
contract × expand
cool × warm
correct × incorrect, wrong
courage × cowardice
create × destroy
crooked × straight
cruel × kind
compulsory × voluntary
courteous × discourteous, rude


dangerous × safe
dark × light
day × night
dead × alive
decline × accept, increase
decrease × increase
deep × shallow
definite × indefinite
demand × supply
despair × hope
disappear × appear
diseased × healthy
down × up
downwards × upwards
dry × moist, wet
dull × bright, shiny


early × late
east × west
easy × hard, difficult
empty × full
encourage × discourage
end × begin, start
enter × exit
even × odd
export × import
external × internal


fade × brighten
fail × succeed
false × true
famous × unknown
far × near
fast × slow
fat × thin
few × many
find × lose
first × last
foolish × wise
fold × unfold
forget × remember
found × lost
friend × enemy


generous × stingy
gentle × rough
get × give
girl × boy
glad × sad, sorry
gloomy × cheerful
good × bad
great × tiny, small, unimportant
guest × host
guilty × innocent


happy × sad
hard × easy
hard × soft
harmful × harmless
hate × love
healthy × diseased, ill, sick
heaven × hell
heavy × light
here × there
high × low
hill × valley
horizontal × vertical
hot × cold
humble × proud


in × out
include × exclude
inhale × exhale
inner × outer
inside × outside
intelligent × stupid, unintelligent
interior × exterior


join × separate
junior × senior


knowledge × ignorance
known × unknown


landlord × tenant
large × small
last × first
laugh × cry
lawful × illegal
leader × follower
left × right
less × more
like × dislike, hate
limited – boundless
little × big
long × short
loose × tight
loss × win
loud × quiet
low × high


major × minor
many × few
mature × immature
maximum × minimum
melt × freeze


narrow × wide
near × far, distant
never × always
new × old
no × yes
noisy × quiet
none × some
north × south


odd × even
offer × refuse
old × young
on × off
open × closed, shut
opposite × same, similar
out × in
over × under


past × present
peace × war
permanent × temporary
plural × singular
polite × rude, impolite
possible × impossible
powerful × weak
pretty × ugly
private × public
pure × impure, contaminated
push × pull


qualified × unqualified
quiet × loud, noisy


raise × lower
rapid × slow
rare × common
regular × irregular
real × fake
rich × poor
right × left, wrong
rough × smooth


safe × unsafe
secure × insecure
scatter × collect
separate × join, together
shallow × deep
shrink × grow
sick × healthy, ill
simple × complex, hard
singular × plural
sink × float
slim × fat, thick
sorrow × joy
start x finish
strong × weak
success × failure
sunny × cloudy


What is opposite in simple words?

opposite or fundamentally divergent in a regard normal to both, as in nature, characteristics, bearing, result, or importance; went against: inverse sides in a controversy ;opposite headings.

What is opposite words with example?

Inverse words, otherwise called antonyms, are words that have inverse or almost inverse implications. For instance, the antonym of ‘hot’ is ‘cold’. An antonym is a word that has a significance inverse to another word; it’s frequently alluded to as a “differentiating word”.

What is the opposite Beautiful?

Something contrary to wonderful is monstrous. Thus, the choice ‘a’ is the right response. Note: The word appalling has a few implications.

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